Worship With Redeemer
We worship in person and continue to stream on Facebook and YouTube every Sunday.
Click for the Facebook link (full screen) for viewing livestreamed Sunday services. Services are also available on YouTube. Bulletin with announcements and order of service is available on the Home page.
Sunday Worship
Sept. through May
8:00 a.m. Worship with Communion
9:00 a.m. Fellowship time
10:30 a.m. Worship with Communion
11:30 a.m. Fellowship time
Summer Schedule
(Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend)
9:30 a.m. Worship with Communion
Rejoicing Spirits
11:00 a.m. every Second Saturday
Fellowship, Fun, Food
Join us for an INCLUSIVE service for individuals
of all abilities.
Wednesday Night at Redeemer (Sept. through May)
Wednesday evening activities at Redeemer have grown and developed into an exciting and meaningful time of food, fun, and fellowship.
We begin with a meal at 5:30 p.m. Our program Godly Play starts at 6:00 p.m. and is in its seventh year, involving over 20 young people, 3-year-olds through 3rd grade in Godly Play and 4th-6th graders in Connect.
At 7:15 the Redeemer Choir or the Handbell Choir rehearses.
It is a very rewarding and relaxing time during our busy lives. Come and join us!
Check the Redeemer calendar on the home page for Wednesdays that Godly Play does not meet, which traditionally are the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, several Wednesdays over Christmas break, and Ash Wednesday.